Weight loss and maintenance are major problems, and a good program involves diet, exercise and stress reduction techniques.
Acupuncture is an adjunct therapy in the problem of weight control and is effective in making it easier to lose and maintain that loss if the patient is willing to change their lifestyle.
Acupuncture needles inserted into specific points on the body and in the ear release endorphins. This process has a calming and relaxing effect therefore it easier to deal with stress, frustration and anxiety. This dysfunctions can trigger overeating and bingeing on fattening foods.
Also acupuncture can help rebalance the organ systems that are running too fast or too slow in the case of overweighing, the metabolism and will power.
The acupuncturist has to submit you to a few preliminary tests before starting a treatment. In the next phase the acupuncturist would devise a treatment protocol using a combination of ear and body points.
Many of the points that are important for weight loss treatments are:
Stomach is helps the person who eats even after they're full or who's constantly nibbling.
Hungry, for general appetite control.
Lung is for food addicts, and people who love chocolate, sweets.
Shenmen is a calming point, for the psychology overlay for anxiety, anger, frustration and insecurity.
Mouth is a point for the impulsive eater who may also smoke and talk a lot.
Endocrine regards water retention that's responsible for some of the weight gain.
Adrenal and Ovary helps if weight gain is due to menopause or P.M.S..
Spleen is responsible for sugar imbalances and hormonal disturbances.
Kidney is responsible for water retention, and nervous system and hormonal imbalances and Thyroid for slow metabolism.
For treatment the practitioner chooses two or more of these points depending upon the patient's problem and personality profile.
This type of treatment causes a mild endorphin release and relaxes the patient and helps them to regain their willpower or confront the temptation to eat.
The number of acupuncture treatments necessary for each patient depends on his goals for losing weight, the speed and his commitment to keep the weight off.
Hypnosis can be very effective in changing eating habits, building motivation, reducing negative thoughts or ignoring the negative feelings your body experiences.
Hypnosis performed by a competent professional will assist best in the context of a concerted, conscientious effort to change old habits and establish new healthier ones.
The base idea is that hypnosis makes your mind relaxed and more open to therapeutic suggestions encouraging behavioral changes.
Sauna bathing is well tolerated, safe, and has therapeutic value, according to a study published in The American Journal of Medicine for most healthy people, as well as for most patients with stable coronary heart disease. The authors of a study from Finland and the Division of Cardiology, Washington Hospital Center, Washington D.C examined the benefits and risks of sauna bathing for healthy adults and children, as well as for patients with coronary heart disease, hypertension, and congestive heart failure.
Also this study shows that a normal person can easily sweat off 250 grams of sweat in a sauna which equals to 200 to 300 calories. The most important factor is that while the weight of the water lost can be regained by rehydration with water, the calories will not be.
Aromatherapy seems to be the most promising unconventional method in the battle with the weight, mostly because smell is a very important component of taste, which directly relates to eating and satiety.
Alan Hirsch, a neurologist and psychiatrist at the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation made a research in this domain discovering that specific aromas can deprogram overweight people whose normal response to the smell of rich foods like chocolate or pizza or ice-cream is to become hungry and overeat.
Another study was performed at St. George's Hospital in London, testing a skin aroma patch that released the aroma of vanilla to help reduce cravings for high-calorie sweet foods and drinks.
The participants on this study lost about 4 1/2 pounds in four weeks. The researchers considered that very sweet smells release serotonin which is a brain chemical that makes you feel good similar to the effects of chocolate, a free calories chocolate.
The bottom line for all these methods is: if people really think that something will help them lose weight, then that is what makes it work.
Acupuncture is an adjunct therapy in the problem of weight control and is effective in making it easier to lose and maintain that loss if the patient is willing to change their lifestyle.
Acupuncture needles inserted into specific points on the body and in the ear release endorphins. This process has a calming and relaxing effect therefore it easier to deal with stress, frustration and anxiety. This dysfunctions can trigger overeating and bingeing on fattening foods.
Also acupuncture can help rebalance the organ systems that are running too fast or too slow in the case of overweighing, the metabolism and will power.
The acupuncturist has to submit you to a few preliminary tests before starting a treatment. In the next phase the acupuncturist would devise a treatment protocol using a combination of ear and body points.
Many of the points that are important for weight loss treatments are:
Stomach is helps the person who eats even after they're full or who's constantly nibbling.
Hungry, for general appetite control.
Lung is for food addicts, and people who love chocolate, sweets.
Shenmen is a calming point, for the psychology overlay for anxiety, anger, frustration and insecurity.
Mouth is a point for the impulsive eater who may also smoke and talk a lot.
Endocrine regards water retention that's responsible for some of the weight gain.
Adrenal and Ovary helps if weight gain is due to menopause or P.M.S..
Spleen is responsible for sugar imbalances and hormonal disturbances.
Kidney is responsible for water retention, and nervous system and hormonal imbalances and Thyroid for slow metabolism.
For treatment the practitioner chooses two or more of these points depending upon the patient's problem and personality profile.
This type of treatment causes a mild endorphin release and relaxes the patient and helps them to regain their willpower or confront the temptation to eat.
The number of acupuncture treatments necessary for each patient depends on his goals for losing weight, the speed and his commitment to keep the weight off.
Hypnosis can be very effective in changing eating habits, building motivation, reducing negative thoughts or ignoring the negative feelings your body experiences.
Hypnosis performed by a competent professional will assist best in the context of a concerted, conscientious effort to change old habits and establish new healthier ones.
The base idea is that hypnosis makes your mind relaxed and more open to therapeutic suggestions encouraging behavioral changes.
Sauna bathing is well tolerated, safe, and has therapeutic value, according to a study published in The American Journal of Medicine for most healthy people, as well as for most patients with stable coronary heart disease. The authors of a study from Finland and the Division of Cardiology, Washington Hospital Center, Washington D.C examined the benefits and risks of sauna bathing for healthy adults and children, as well as for patients with coronary heart disease, hypertension, and congestive heart failure.
Also this study shows that a normal person can easily sweat off 250 grams of sweat in a sauna which equals to 200 to 300 calories. The most important factor is that while the weight of the water lost can be regained by rehydration with water, the calories will not be.
Aromatherapy seems to be the most promising unconventional method in the battle with the weight, mostly because smell is a very important component of taste, which directly relates to eating and satiety.
Alan Hirsch, a neurologist and psychiatrist at the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation made a research in this domain discovering that specific aromas can deprogram overweight people whose normal response to the smell of rich foods like chocolate or pizza or ice-cream is to become hungry and overeat.
Another study was performed at St. George's Hospital in London, testing a skin aroma patch that released the aroma of vanilla to help reduce cravings for high-calorie sweet foods and drinks.
The participants on this study lost about 4 1/2 pounds in four weeks. The researchers considered that very sweet smells release serotonin which is a brain chemical that makes you feel good similar to the effects of chocolate, a free calories chocolate.
The bottom line for all these methods is: if people really think that something will help them lose weight, then that is what makes it work.
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